What is the writing technique of illustration?

Narration is a writing technique that changes the chronological order of events or plots in the process of narration. It can advance or delay the presentation of events to enhance the story suspense, reveal the character background, explain the story background, and deepen the theme. Interpolation can be divided into three categories chronological order, spatial order and psychological order. When using the narrative, we should pay attention to choose the narrative content related to the main story, control the length, keep the coherence of the story, and avoid overuse. At the same time, we should pay attention to the consistency of the narrative content and the character, and serve the theme of the work, in order to improve the ideological content and expression of the work.

1. Enhance the story suspense to attract readers

When reading a novel or watching a movie, we are always attracted by the ingenious story of Settings suspense, as a literary device, It can play a huge role in this, it is like a pearl, embedded in the main line of the story, so that the whole story more lively and interesting, When you are immersed in the story, suddenly a seemingly insignificant segment inserted into it, you will automatically stop, Want to explore the mystery, this sudden turn, will undoubtedly enhance the story of suspense, so that readers look forward to the follow-up development.

The role of narrative is not limited to enhancing the suspense, it can also add more layers to the story. By inserting memories of the past, the perspective of others, or the inner monologues of other characters, the author can present the characters in a more three-dimensional way. Let the reader resonate with the characters, in telling a love story, through the protagonist's childhood experience, Can let us more in-depth understanding of the reasons for the formation of their character, so as to better understand their love story, such a narrative, No doubt make the story fuller, more infectious.

Narration can also enrich the background of the story and provide readers with more space to think. Narration is often used to introduce historical events, social features, etc., so that readers can enjoy the story, but also have a deeper understanding of history. Not only make the story more true, but also can trigger readers to think about history and reality, so as to enhance the ideological depth of the works.

The use of punctuation should also pay attention to skills, too frequent punctuation will interrupt the rhythm of the story, make the reader confused; Can be icing on the cake, make the story more exciting, the author in the use of narrative, need to grasp the degree, so that narrative and the main story complement each other, Together to present the reader with a fascinating story world.

As a literary technique, interpolation plays an important role in enhancing the suspense, enriching the characters and expanding the background of the story. It is like a key, opened the door to the depths of the story, so that readers continue to explore in the process of reading, and ultimately get rich spiritual enjoyment.

2. Reveal the background and enrich the characters

The deep excavation of the characters' background can make the readers have a deeper understanding of the characters' inner world. By telling the character's growth environment, family background, educational experience, we can gradually outline a three-dimensional character image, A child born in a poor mountain area, his childhood may be full of hardships, but his perseverance, courage to face the plight of the spirit, It was the key to his later success that made the characters fuller and the story more believable.

By revealing the background of the characters, we can also show the characteristics of the characters, a child living in the scholarly family, his temperament may be more refined, And a childhood in the rivers and lakes in the fight, his character may be more heroic, such a contrast, making the character image more distinct, Also makes the story more interesting.

In the process of revealing the background of the characters, we can also show the characters' social relations, such as family, friendship, love, etc. Are an important part of the characters, a character lost loved ones in the story, the loss of the pain will be deeply imprinted in his heart, Affect his behavior and choice, such a description, make the characters more three-dimensional, but also make readers more easily resonate.

The revelation of the characters' background can also help us to show the background of the times. Each era has its own unique cultural and social features. By telling the story of the characters' growing up, we can make the readers feel the breath of that era, a young man living in the early days of reform and opening up. His experience may be full of vision and pursuit of the future, which is the spiritual portrayal of that era.

By revealing the background of the characters, we can enrich the characters and let the readers have a deeper understanding of the characters. This will not only help to enhance the authenticity and appeal of the story, but also make readers resonate in the reading process, so as to enhance the artistic value of the works.

In the process of revealing the background of the characters, we should also pay attention to moderation, excessive background description may make the story appear long, affect the reading experience, We need to keep the rhythm and fluency of the story while enriching the characters.

By digging into the background of the characters, we can make the characters fuller and the story more interesting, which is not only a respect for the reader, It is also a pursuit of literary creation.

3. Give the background of the story to pave the way for the follow-up

In this ancient village, the villagers have been farming for generations. There are no busy streets, no tall buildings. Only patches of golden wheat fields and lush forests, the sun through the leaves of the gap, sprinkled on the muddy path, forming a mottled light and shadow, The Old House in the village, after years of baptism, still standing there, telling the story of the past, the center of the village, there is an Old Well, The well water is Crystal clear, nourishing the people in the village, carrying the hard sweat of the villagers, but also witnessed the growth and changes from generation to generation. Under the calm surface, but hidden a section of the unknown past, it is a story of love and dreams, A legend that once changed the fate of an entire village.

The hero of the story is a young man named Li Ming, he was very clever since childhood, deeply loved by the villagers, Li Ming's father is a hard-working farmer, Mother is an ingenious embroidered Niang, in Li Ming's heart, his parents are his strongest backing, is his pursuit of the dream of power, the tease of fate, Let the happy family into trouble, a sudden flood, Li Ming's home ransacked, his father died in the rescue of property, Grief-stricken mother, with young Li Ming, uprooted, began a hard way to make a living.

In a strange land, Li Ming and his mother depend on each other, they rely on a pair of hands and a tough heart, in the strange city struggle, Li Ming was determined to change his fate and let his mother live a happy life. He worked in the construction site during the day and studied secretly at night. Hope that through knowledge to change their own destiny, life is not plain sailing, in the pursuit of dreams on the road, Li Ming encountered numerous difficulties and setbacks, But he never gave up, in his mother's support and encouragement, he gradually grew into a responsible, responsible man.

As time went on, Li Ming's efforts finally paid off. With his talent and hard work, he became an excellent engineer. Never forget the memory of his hometown, he decided to go back to the village where he grew up, with his knowledge and strength. To contribute to the development of his hometown, when Li Ming returned to the village, he found that earth-shaking changes have taken place here, once the muddy path, Into a spacious asphalt road; the Old House, replaced by a modern building, behind the prosperity, But hiding the villagers on the future of confusion and worry, Li Ming decided to use their own actions, for the future of his hometown paved a bright road.

4. Deepen the theme and improve the ideological depth of the work

In the vast world of literature, the deepening of the theme and the promotion of the thought of the works are like fertile soil nourishing the flowers of art. Let them take root in the reader's heart, if only stay on the surface, like footprints on the sand, fleeting, if you can dig deep into the theme, Explore the complexity of human nature, explore the underlying causes of social phenomena, then this work will have a soul, with the appeal across time and space, It can touch the reader's heart, cause resonance, so that readers in the reading process, not only enjoy the fun of the story, but also in the ideological sublimation.

In the process of deepening the theme, the author needs to have keen insight and original views, Through the detailed analysis of social phenomena, characters and emotional entanglements, the readers can have a deeper understanding of the story. The author can show the complexity of human nature from different angles, such as psychological changes, moral choices, ups and downs of fate, etc. This approach not only enriches the content of the work, but also deepens the theme, making the work more ideological depth.

In order to deepen the theme, it is necessary to integrate rich cultural connotations into the works. The works not only have the value of the times, but also have a resonance in the world, taking ancient Chinese literature as an example. Many classic works contain rich cultural connotations, such as A Dream of Red Mansions, Journey to the West, etc. With their profound ideological connotation and unique cultural value, they have become the treasures in the treasure house of world literature.

In improving the ideological depth of the works, the author should also pay attention to the characterization, a full figure, It can not only reflect the author's understanding of human nature, but also guide readers to think about the value and meaning of life. Hugo shows the brilliance and darkness of human nature through his portrayal of the protagonist Jean Valjean. Make readers think deeply about the values of good and evil, justice and tolerance. The work has a strong practical significance and humanistic care.

Deepening the theme and improving the ideological depth of the works is an indispensable part of literary creation. By digging deep into the theme, enriching the cultural connotation and shaping the full characters, Authors can create works with ideological depth, artistic value and social influence, and these works will become the treasure of human civilization and pass on through the ages.

1. The advance or postponement of events in chronological order does not affect the overall narrative structure

2. Insert relevant plots in a particular scene in spatial order

Into the old library, the air filled with a touch of books, as if to tell the flow of the years, wooden bookshelves neatly arranged, Each book carries endless knowledge and wisdom, I sat on an old wooden chair, quietly read a thick ancient books, The pages turn with my fingers, each page seems to tell a distant story, in that quiet space, My thoughts were brought back to the past, in that spring afternoon, the sun through the leaves on the slate, dappled light and shadow on my face, As a young child, full of curiosity about the world, my father took me to this library and told me that there were countless valuable books in it. I stared as if to see the sea of knowledge, the heart is full of yearning, in those days, I almost every day will come to this library, Whenever I open a new book, I can feel a powerful force surging in my heart, those ancient words, like magic general, Took me to another world where I could talk to the ancients and understand their thoughts and wisdom, and me in the real world, Also in this process gradually grow up, blink of an eye I have grown up, the library is still standing there, witness my growth, Whenever I return to this familiar place, will think of those good memories, and those books, has become an indispensable companion in my life, In that cold winter, I came to the library alone, snowflakes falling, decorate the earth into a beautiful picture, I sat in the corner, quietly read the old book, the text in the book as if there is life, jumping in my eyes, in that moment, I seem to have traveled through time and space, back to that spring afternoon, I have a rich store of knowledge, but still full of respect for this library, It is not only a place for books, but also a palace full of stories. Whenever I open a new book, I can feel those stories whispering in my ear, reminding me to cherish the time, keep moving forward, in this space full of books, I learned to think, Learned the perception of life, and those books, like a wise man, guide me forward, in this special space, I not only harvest the knowledge, More harvest the true meaning of life, blink of an eye I have left the library, but that period of good memories, but always stay in my heart, Whenever I think of that time, I will be filled with emotion, the library, like a seed, in my heart take root, grow, I have been out of the library, into the community this big classroom, in this world full of challenges and opportunities, I will continue to work hard, Constant pursuit of progress, and the library, that full of scholarly space, will always be the best memories in my heart.

3. Psychological sequence interpolation

In the world of the novel, the psychological activities of the characters are the key to the depth of the story. Let the reader follow the ups and downs of the characters' thoughts and feel their inner struggle and growth. The character's inner world is presented in detail.

Interpolation in psychological order

The inner world of the characters is like a colorful garden, full of all kinds of emotions and thoughts. There is joy, sadness, anger, visions of the future and memories of the past, The author can skillfully interweave these feelings and thoughts together, so that readers in the process of reading, as if exposure to the psychological world of the characters, and its resonance.

In the story of a character in the face of difficulties when the psychological activities, can start from his initial confusion and panic, and gradually show how he through thinking and efforts, Finally overcome the dilemma, in this process, the character's inner world will change with the development of the plot, The reader can clearly feel the mental journey of the characters.

In the psychological sequence, the psychological activities of the characters are often not fixed, but deepened with the development of the plot. Can let readers more in-depth understanding of the character characteristics and inner world, so as to better grasp the theme and emotional tone of the whole story.

Psychological sequence narration can also help readers better understand the motives of the characters in real life, People's behaviors are often influenced by their inner feelings and thoughts. Let readers have a deeper understanding of the characters' behavior.

In the use of psychological sequence, the author should pay attention to the following points to truly show the inner world of the characters, Avoid exaggeration or falsehood; arrange the order of psychological activities to make the story more fluent; pay attention to the description of psychological activities. So that readers can clearly feel the emotional changes of the characters.

Narration in psychological order is an expressive narrative technique by which the author can lead the reader into the inner world of the characters. Feel their emotions, so as to better understand and appreciate the story.

1. Carefully select the narrative to ensure that it is relevant to the main story

In the process of creation, how to skillfully use the technique of narration to make it closely connected with the main story is the key to enhance the depth and level of the work. To clear the main story of the core ideas and emotional tone, on this basis, select and complement the narrative content, These contents can be the story behind the characters, historical background, social phenomenon, etc., they complement the rich main story at the same time, It can also provide readers with a broader perspective, in telling the story of a young man's growth, can be inserted into his childhood with parents, friends warm memories, In order to let readers more in-depth understanding of the formation of the protagonist's character and inner world, we should pay attention to the logical relationship between the narrative content and the main story. Ensure that the two are consistent in plot, character, theme, etc., and avoid inconsistencies and inconsequential insertions. In order to avoid affecting the reader's reading experience, you can use contrast, contrast and other techniques, the main story and narrative content to form a sharp contrast, highlighting the theme, In telling a story about the pursuit of a dream, the protagonist can be inserted in the pursuit of the dream of setbacks and difficulties encountered in the process, In order to highlight the precious and difficult dream, the length of the narrative content should be moderate, not too long, so as not to dominate, affect the integrity of the main story, A short narrative paragraph is enough to play the role of finishing touch, in language expression, we should pay attention to literary grace and charm, We should be good at using rhetorical devices, such as metaphor and personification, to make the narrative content more expressive. When using the technique of illustration, we should be good at excavating the material related to the main story, pay attention to the logical relationship, appropriately control the length, and pay attention to the language expression. Thus presents a colorful work for the reader.

2. Control the length of the narrative to avoid affecting the rhythm of the main story

In the creative process, skillful use of narrative techniques can provide readers with rich background information, make the story more full, It is essential to control the length of the narrative, otherwise it may interfere with the rhythm of the main story and confuse the reader. You are telling a story about an adventure and suddenly insert an interlude about the protagonist's childhood memories. Forget the protagonist's current adventure, when writing a narrative, make sure it serves the overall structure of the story, not the main idea. Short interpolations can effectively supplement the background without exhausting the reader. You can choose the key historical events or the relationship between the characters as the narrative content, which can reveal the deep meaning of the story. Without distracting the reader too much, avoiding too many details, especially those unrelated to the main story, This ensures that the reader can follow the story without being distracted by the trivial information in the narrative.

The timing of the interpolation is also crucial. Choosing to insert the interpolation at the climax or turning point of the story can better capture the reader's attention. Inserting a narrative at the climax of the story gives the reader a deeper understanding of the protagonist's past. To better understand the protagonist's decisions at critical moments, if you insert a narrative at an inappropriate time, such as when the story is mundane, It can be boring for the reader, and the author needs to carefully design the timing of the narrative to ensure that it adds color to the story, not drag it down. The narrative also needs to be handled skillfully, not to make the reader feel abrupt, by cleverly returning to the main story in the narrative, Can enable readers to maintain coherence in the reading process, to avoid reading fatigue.

While controlling the length of the narration, we should also pay attention to the logic of the content of the narration. If the narrative content and the main story of the lack of relevance, it will make readers feel confused, and even disgusted, in the preparation of the narrative, Make sure the narrative is closely related to the theme, characters and plot of the main story, Through the narrative reveals the protagonist's personality characteristics, psychological changes or growth experience, so as to enable readers to understand the protagonist more deeply. Such narration can not only enrich the story, but also enhance the reader's reading experience. The author needs to grasp the length, timing, logic and relevance of the narrative to the main story to ensure that the narrative can add color to the story. Instead of dragging down the story.

3. Pay attention to the connection between the narrative and the main story

How to ensure the natural and smooth connection between the narrative and the main story. Become the focus of many creators is crucial, to choose the right time to insert the main story-related background information or psychological description of the characters, When the hero is faced with an important choice, inserting a memory will give the reader a deeper understanding of the hero's inner world. In order to better grasp the development of the story context to be refined, to avoid lengthy and repetitive, narrative content should be closely around the main story, Reveal the character, promote the development of the plot or enrich the story background to be unified, whether narrative or the main narrative, Should maintain a consistent tone, rhythm and perspective, so that readers in the process of reading do not feel abrupt, in the specific operation, The perfect connection between the narrative and the main story can be realized in the following ways. To show the character growth and story development process; second, through the narrative content reveals the character's inner struggle and growth, enhance the appeal of the story; third, Through the narrative content to show a specific scene or details, to show the reader a vivid picture, make the story more three-dimensional, The skill of illustration is to keep the whole coherence, so that the reader can follow the story naturally and feel the charm of the story. In this process, the creators need to constantly try and explore, in order to achieve the perfect integration of narrative and the main story.

A clever arrangement of timePsychological description and emotional expressionEnvironment description and detail description

Is also the key to the connection between the narrative and the main story. The transition can be achieved in the following ways. Second, through the transformation of the scene to guide the reader into the narrative, such as from indoor to outdoor, Or from day to night; third, through the dialogue between the characters, skillfully lead to the narrative content, these transitional techniques do not exist in isolation, But needs with the overall narrative style and the content close union, can achieve the best cohesive effect.

Transition techniqueUse transitional sentencesUsing scene transformationWith the help of character dialogue

In the creation process, the creator also needs to pay attention to, the narrative content should be closely linked with the main story, can not appear inconsistent or illogical situation, In order to ensure this, the purpose and function of the narrative can be defined at the beginning of the creation, and the content of the narrative can be selected according to this purpose. We should pay attention to the echo of the plot, so that the narrative and the main story complement each other, and jointly promote the development of the story. Creators need to focus on overall coherence to ensure the integrity and appeal of the story.

The coherence of the plot

4. Enrich the expressive force of the work by using various narrative techniques

Narration plays a vital role in literary creation. Like lines on canvas, it can outline the backbone of a story. One technique is time flashback, which breaks the linearity of traditional narration. Let the reader follow the character's inner track, feel its growth vein, if used properly, this technique can make the story produce a kind of suspense, fascinating, The other is psychological narrative, through the character's inner monologue, reveals its complex emotional world, so that the characters more three-dimensional, This kind of interpolation not only enriches the story, but also touches the reader's soul. Show his life, so that the story background is broader, whether time, psychology or space, a variety of skillful use of narrative techniques, Can greatly enhance the performance of the work, in telling a story about growth, the author can use time flashback, First describe the role after mature appearance, and then through psychological interjection to show their inner struggle and growth, and finally use space interjection to reveal the track of their growth. This kind of narration not only makes the story more interesting, but also resonates with the reader in the process of reading. The author should also pay attention to the following points to be closely linked with the main story, do not stray from the theme; Not too much or too little, so as not to affect the overall rhythm of the story; Can let the expressive force of the work obtain the enormous enrichment, causes the reader to obtain the more profound experience in the reading process.

Narration can further strengthen the theme of the story by means of contrast and contrast. The author can show the inner struggle of the characters through psychological interpolation, and show the helplessness of the realistic predicament through space interpolation. It not only highlights the theme, but also deepens the reader's sympathy for the characters. Contrast the two sides should have a certain similarity, so that readers resonate, contrast, contrast and other techniques to serve the theme, do not dominate, In the narrative, there is also a technique called flashback, which interweaves the character's past with the present by means of recollection. To enrich the story, in the use of flashback, the author should grasp the opportunity to ensure that the flashback content and the main story complement each other, the use of narrative techniques, Not only can let the work expressive force obtain the enhancement, but also can let the reader obtain the richer emotion experience in the reading process.

When using the technique of illustration, the author should pay attention to the whole structure of the work, and the content of the illustration should echo with the main story to form a complete narrative structure. In telling a novel about family relations, the author can show the character's growth in the family through time interpolation, and through psychological interpolation, Reveal its inner contradiction and struggle, this kind of structure arrangement, can make the story more compact, but also can let the reader in the reading process, A deeper understanding of the characters and the use of narrative techniques require the author to try and find the most suitable way for his works. In order to maximize the expression of the works, so that readers in the reading process, get a more profound experience.

1. Avoid excessive use of illustrations to affect readers' reading experience

In the process of telling the story, as a common narrative technique, narration can enrich the plot and enhance the three-dimensional sense of the characters. However, if overused, it may have a negative impact on the reader's reading experience, too much interjection will lead to the rhythm of the story is disrupted. The reader is easily confused and tired in the process of reading, Frequent insertion of past memories or details unrelated to the main story can make it difficult for the reader to concentrate and affect interest in reading. Excessive narrative may make readers ignore the core content of the main story, leading to the story of the theme and emotional expression is weakened, in the use of narrative, The author needs careful design and reasonable arrangement to ensure that the content of the narrative is closely connected with the main story, complement each other and promote the development of the story together. The length of the interpolation should also be moderate, not too long, so as not to overpower the main object. However, if used improperly, the characters may be too complex for the readers to grasp. The author should fully consider the reader's reading experience, and strive to enrich the content of the story, while maintaining the narrative fluency and coherence.

In order to make better use of the illustration, the author can pay attention to the following aspects. Choose to insert at the key plot or turning point, so that readers have a sense of expectation and curiosity in the reading process; Third, to ensure that the narrative content and the main story closely linked, echo each other, Fourth, pay attention to the rhythm of the narrative, so that the story in the narrative and narrative balance, to avoid the rhythm too fast or too slow, Proper use of illustration can make the story more vivid and interesting, but overuse may lead to poor reading experience. Careful consideration should be made to find the best balance between narration and narration.

In the use of narrative, the author should also pay attention to the following points. So as not to affect the reader's interest in reading; second, to ensure that the narrative content in line with the main story theme, Third, pay attention to the tone and style of the narrative to keep it in line with the main story. Avoid abrupt feeling, through the above points, the author can make better use of narrative, make the story more exciting and moving.

2. The narrative should be closely related to the main story

In the process of weaving a story, narrative is an important means to add color and enrich the plot. Like a broken pearl, lost its due luster, a clear stream, if mixed with disorderly garbage, Its beauty and harmony are gone, and when we use a narrative, we must make sure that it is connected to the main story, like a pebble in a stream. Although it exists independently, it forms the beautiful landscape of the stream, which can not only make the reader feel the integrity of the story in the process of reading. More can make them in the aftertaste, the details of the narrative have a deep impression, we should avoid hard patchwork, so that the narrative content appears abrupt, The sudden appearance of a discordant color in a fine painting will undoubtedly destroy the harmonious beauty of the whole painting. We need to work on the selection, layout and context of the narrative to make it an integral part of the main story. Instead of insignificant embellishment, narrative can really play its due role, so that the story more vivid, so that readers immersed in them, forget to return.

Specifically, we can ensure that the narrative is closely related to the main story in the following ways. The content of the narrative should be consistent with the theme, emotion and background of the main story. The narrative can be a depiction of the protagonist's growing up or their perception of love, which enriches the story. Can let the reader more in-depth understanding of the protagonist's character and emotions, narrative content should correspond with the plot development of the main story, at a critical moment, The protagonist gains strength from the experience in the narrative, which promotes the development of the plot. The protagonist realizes self-salvation through the experience in the interpolation, thus bringing a happy ending to the readers. While ensuring that the narrative is closely related to the main story, we should also take care to avoid a rigid patchwork, which should be naturally integrated into the main story. So that readers in the reading process will not feel abrupt, we can in the narrative content before and after the appropriate transition, so that the narrative and the main story seamless link.

As an important skill of story creation, the use of narrative should be careful and skillful, only to ensure that the content of narrative is closely related to the main story and avoid hard patchwork. In order to make the story more vivid, let us in the creative process, continue to explore, let the narrative become our right-hand man to tell the story, Together for the reader to show a colorful picture.

3. Pay attention to the psychological changes in the interpolation to maintain the consistency of the characters

In the creative process, narrative is a common narrative technique, it can enrich the story, deepen the image of the characters, in the use of narrative, We need to pay special attention to the psychological changes of the characters, to ensure that these changes are consistent with the characteristics of the characters, a normally calm detective, Sudden displays of extreme panic and anxiety in the story are clearly out of character and will confuse the reader, We should describe the psychological activities of the characters in detail in the narrative, so that readers can see their real reactions in different situations. In order to more three-dimensional presentation of the character, but also pay attention to the characters in the narrative before and after the psychological changes of coherence, to avoid contradictions, A brave soldier is fearless on the battlefield, but he is filled with fear and pain when he recalls the wounds of the past. Such psychological changes not only accord with the character of the characters, but also promote the development of the story. The second is to maintain the consistency of the characters, and the third is to ensure the coherence of psychological changes. Feel the charm of the story.

In the specific operation, we can through the following ways to show the psychological changes of the characters, through the characters' inner monologue to directly express their feelings, This technique allows the reader to directly understand the inner world of the characters and feel their mood swings. We can indirectly reflect the psychological state of the characters by their behavior. A person may unconsciously clench his teeth when he is nervous. Such a detailed description can make readers feel the tension of the characters, we can use the description of the environment to set off the characters' psychology. In a dark room, a lonely person drinking alone can create a depressing, lonely atmosphere. To further highlight the inner pain of the characters, we can also show their psychological changes through their interaction with others. Characters may show contradictions, hesitations, anger and other emotions, which can help readers better understand the characteristics of the characters.

In the interpolation, we should also pay attention to the consistency of the characters, a brave soldier, in the story can not suddenly become a timid person, Otherwise, it will destroy the reader's overall impression of the characters, which requires us to have a clear understanding of the characters in the creative process. Ensure that the characters' behavior, language and psychological activities in the interjections correspond to their personalities, We should also pay attention to the psychological changes of the characters in different situations, which should not only accord with the characters, but also promote the development of the story. A veteran of a war may exhibit feelings of pride, sadness, and anger as he recalls a past battle. These emotional changes not only in line with the character, but also can enrich the content of the story.

4. The use of illustration should serve the theme of the work and improve the ideological content of the work

In the creative process, as a unique narrative technique, the use of illustration should be closely linked to the theme of the work, with deepening the ideological content as the core. Narration should complement the main plot to show the core idea of the work. When telling a story about friendship, The interjection can describe the interesting things about the protagonist and his friends in his childhood, so as to highlight the value of friendship. So that readers can feel the main plot, but also to convey the feelings of the author, for example, in the description of a love story, Description can tell the protagonist's lovelorn experience, in order to show the character's inner struggle and growth, the narrative should pay attention to detail description, Through delicate strokes to show the character, psychological changes, for example, in the narrative of a story about the family, Narration can depict the interaction between family members and enrich the characters. The following aspects should be paid attention to when using the illustration. So as not to distract the reader's attention; second, pay attention to the sense of rhythm of the narrative and the main plot to make the work more layered; The use of illustration should serve the theme of the work and improve the ideological content of the work. To bring readers a richer reading experience.

Why use it to write a story
Is to " insert " something into the story, it is not in chronological order, but to break the rules, What is the purpose of presenting some key events or plots in advance or later? When you're halfway through a seemingly insignificant piece pops up, do you wonder how it fits into the story? This sudden turn, will undoubtedly make the story more attractive, narrative can reveal the character's background and inner world, so that the characters more fullness, We can learn about the characters' growth experiences, personality characteristics, psychological changes and so on, so as to better understand their behavior and choices. Narration can also enrich the background of the story and provide readers with more space to think. Narration is often used to introduce historical events, social features, so that readers can enjoy the story, but also have a deeper understanding of history.
What's the difference between a flashback?
Both flashback and flashback are unconventional narratives, but there are differences between them. Insert some related to the main story, and flashback is completely out of order, from the end of the story, and then gradually back to the beginning, The content of the flashback is usually closely related to the main story, while the flashback may be more extensive and not necessarily directly related to the main story. The rhythm of the flashback is relatively slow and can be slowly unfolded, while the rhythm of the flashback is faster, requiring a quick switch of the timeline.
What is the function of illustration in novel writing
The following are some common functions that can enhance the drama of the story and make the plot more bizarre. Narration can enrich the characters, make the characters more three-dimensional fullness, narration can reveal the background and theme of the story, so that readers have a deeper understanding of the story. Narration can also provide readers with more space for thinking, causing readers to think about life, society and other issues.
How do you use interjections in writing
In writing, the use of narrative need to pay attention to the following points to choose the right time to insert the narrative, to avoid interrupting the rhythm of the story, to control the length of the narrative, Make sure the narrative is closely related to the main story and avoid inconsistencies or inconsequential details. Pay attention to the narrative style of the narrative, so that it is consistent with the main story.