How to improve your child's writing ability?

This paper aims to explore how to improve children's writing ability. The article first emphasizes the importance of understanding children's writing needs, including analyzing the basis of writing, encouraging communication, and observing reading habits. Then, the paper puts forward some methods to cultivate good reading habits, such as providing diversified reading materials, in-depth reading guidance and the cultivation of reading notes. In addition, the article also introduces the training of writing skills, including the teaching of basic skills, model essay analysis and writing practice. The article further emphasizes the creation of a good writing environment, including quiet and comfortable environment, family writing activities and writing competition participation. Finally, the article puts forward the correct ways for parents to guide their children's writing, including positive encouragement, respect for personality and joint analysis of problems.

Analyze the basis of children's writing to understand their interests and difficulties

Before delving into children's writing needs, we first need to analyze the basis of their writing, which includes observing their ability to use words. The mastery of the grammatical structure and the unique style they exhibit in the writing process are equally important to observe the child's interests. Because it helps to stimulate their passion for writing and make them have fun in the creative process, A child who is curious about science may be more willing to try writing popular science articles, while a child who loves adventure may be more likely to write stories.

Interest is not the only factor that affects children's writing. When analyzing the basis of children's writing, we must also pay attention to the difficulties they face. These difficulties may result from a lack of understanding of writing skills or from a lack of vocabulary. Some children may encounter problems in writing, such as confused narrative structure and incoherent plot development. We can improve our children's writing by guiding them to read good literature and learn writing skills.

Some children may resist writing for fear of making mistakes. Or because of a lack of self-confidence and unable to reach their full potential, Parents and teachers should give their children full encouragement and support to help them develop correct writing ideas. Let them improve their writing skills in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

After understanding children's writing needs and interests, we also need to pay attention to their writing habits. Some children may be used to writing alone in a quiet corner, while others prefer to work in a team environment. Understanding children's writing habits can help us to provide them with a more appropriate writing environment and resources, so as to improve their writing effect.

Analyzing the basis of children's writing and understanding their interests and difficulties is the key to improving their writing ability. We need to pay attention to children's psychology, interests, skills and other factors, to provide them with personalized guidance and support, Let them go further and further down the road of writing.

The art of communication

Communicating with children is an art and a responsibility. In this process, we need to put down our body and listen to their heart. Making them feel respected and understood, encouraging them to express their thoughts and feelings is like opening a door to their inner world, Behind this door, hidden children's dreams, confusion, fear and happiness.

When children first learn to write, their writing may be a little immature, but there are infinite possibilities, as a parent or teacher, We should learn to appreciate their uniqueness, rather than blindly pursue perfection, in the eyes of children, the world is colorful, Their imagination is unconstrained, in the process of guiding children to write, we should respect their inner world, let them express freely.

To communicate with children, start by listening, listen to them patiently, and make them feel valued. When children are willing to share their thoughts with you, you have the opportunity to guide them to put those thoughts into words, and in the process, We can help them sort out their thinking and perfect their expression by asking questions and discussing.

We should also create a good writing environment for our children, which can be a quiet corner or a fun room. In such an environment, children can enjoy the pen and ink, enjoy to express their inner world, in this process, We should pay attention to the child's emotional changes, timely encouragement and support.

Writing is not only to record and express, but also a process of growth, in this process, Children can learn how to observe, how to think, how to express, we should encourage children to read more, think more, practice more, Let them go further and further down the road of writing.

To understand children's writing needs is to respect their personality, pay attention to their inner world, and provide them with a platform for free expression. In this process, we should learn to appreciate, learn to guide, learn to accompany, so that writing has become a beacon on the road of children's growth.

Observe your child's reading habits for inspiration

Children's reading habits are like a window into their inner world, through which we can glimpse their interests and understand their emotional fluctuations. They may be immersed in fairy tales, feeling the battle between good and evil, or they may be drawn to science fiction, curious about the unknown world, Observe the type of books children choose to read, we can find their expectations and yearning for the outside world, fairy tales are often full of moral, Through children's love of such books, we can tap into their longing for a better life, while science fiction reflects their vision of the future. When we understand this information, we can skillfully incorporate these elements into our writing, making our work closer to the child's heart.

In addition to the type of reading, children's reading speed and concentration is also the focus of our observation, some children like fast reading, May be able to grasp the general content of the story in a short time, while some children like to chew slowly, deep into the flavor of the text, For different reading habits, we can choose different writing styles, for fast reading children, we can use concise and lively language, Make the story compact and fascinating, and for children who like to read carefully, we can use exquisite description and rich imagination. Let them feel the charm of words in the process of reading, we can also observe the children's reading performance in different books, Understand their personality characteristics and interests, so as to better shape the characters in the creation, build the story background.

In observing children's reading habits, we can also focus on their emotional tendencies toward the characters in the book. Some children may have strong feelings for the protagonist, cheering or lamenting him, while others may have a strong interest in the villain. By analyzing the emotional tendencies of children, we can subtly incorporate these emotions into our own work. To make the story more appealing, in the creative process, we can let the protagonist in the face of difficulties to show the spirit of perseverance, To stimulate the children's courage and confidence; can also let the villain have a certain shine, so that readers enjoy the story at the same time, A deeper contemplation of human nature.

Observing children's reading habits can also help us understand the problems they encounter in the reading process. Or the turning point of the story is not clear enough, for these problems, we can add notes or explanations in the creation, Let children better understand the story in the process of reading, we can also through interactive writing, guide children to participate in the story, Let them become the hero of the story, so as to improve their reading interest and writing ability.

Observing children's reading habits and getting inspiration for writing is a creative way of writing. We can better grasp the story context in the creative process, shape the characters, make the work more attractive, let us carefully to observe, to listen, I'm sure we can create more great works that are loved by children.

Provide children with a variety of reading materials to stimulate interest in reading

In the child's growth process, reading is an indispensable link, the child can broaden their horizons, improve thinking, develop the ability of independent thinking, In order to stimulate children's interest in reading, we should provide a variety of reading materials, let them find their own fun in reading.

We can choose some classic literary works for children, these works not only have rich connotation, but also can cultivate children's aesthetic taste, Can let children read " Andersen's Fairy Tales ", " Grimm's Fairy Tales " and so on, these stories are full of fantasy color and profound meaning, Can stimulate the child's curiosity and imagination.

Popular science books are also a good choice, through reading popular science books, children can learn a lot of scientific knowledge, cultivate scientific thinking, Such as " One Hundred Thousand Whys ", " Nature Exploration " and so on, these books are rich in content, illustrated, can attract children's attention, Let them study in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

We should also pay attention to children's interests and hobbies and provide them with relevant reading materials. If children like animals, Give them works like Animal Farm and The Little Prince; if children like adventure, Can recommend to them " Robinson Crusoe ", " Gulliver's Travels " and so on, the child will find own interest in reading, To love reading more.

In the process of selecting reading materials for our children, we should also pay attention to the following points. Avoid content too complex or simple; second, to pay attention to the quality of books, as far as possible to provide genuine books for children; third, to guide children to read correctly, Cultivate their good reading habits.

Cultivating children's reading habits requires us to make more efforts to stimulate children's interest in reading by providing a variety of reading materials. Let them gain knowledge, happiness and growth in reading.

Develop good reading habits

In the child's growth process is an indispensable ability, it can not only broaden the child's horizons, More can help them learn to think from different angles, as a more in-depth way of reading, for the development of children's thinking ability is essential, Deep reading requires children to make a careful analysis of the text, which helps them understand the author's point of view and intention. The child's ability to ask questions and find answers will play an important role in his future study and life. Deep reading can also stimulate children's imagination, let them swim in the sea of words, enjoy the fun of reading, In order to cultivate children's deep reading habits, parents and teachers can start from the following aspects to provide children with rich reading materials, Cover different areas and styles to meet their interests and needs, encourage critical thinking, guide them to ask questions, And try to analyze the problem from different angles, read and share with children, let them collide ideas in communication, improve the reading experience, Develop your child's reading plan, let them read regularly, form good reading habits, pay attention to your child's reading feedback, Find out what they are interested in, adjust their reading plan, encourage them to practice writing, and translate what they read into their own thinking. To create a good reading environment for children to enjoy reading in a warm and comfortable atmosphere, parents and teachers should set an example and become children's role models. Let them learn to read imperceptibly, pay attention to children's reading progress, timely encouragement and praise, stimulate their enthusiasm for reading, Cultivate children's interest in reading, let them find fun in reading, so as to develop good reading habits, cultivate children's deep reading habits, It needs the joint efforts of parents, teachers and children. Only by learning to think while reading can children lay a solid foundation for their future.

Develop good reading habits

In the child's growth process is an indispensable accomplishment, it can not only broaden their horizons, but also exercise thinking, In order to let children develop good reading habits, we encourage them to make reading notes, which is not only a record, but also an inductive process. Children can think deeply about the content of the book, extract the essence, develop their own logical thinking and expression ability.

Can help children better remember the knowledge points in the book, in the process of reading, they can be important paragraphs, characters, events, etc. To facilitate future access, this approach helps to deepen the understanding of the content of the book, to avoid forgetting, by sorting notes, children can find their own shortcomings, Thus carries on the supplementary study pertinently.

It is an effective way to develop children's thinking ability. In the process of reading, children need to constantly think and connect the scattered information. This process helps to exercise their logical thinking ability, improve the ability to solve problems, through induction, children can better understand the ideas in the book, Form their own opinions.

Can also develop the child's patience and perseverance, reading itself is a long process, children need to have a certain degree of patience, in the process of taking notes, They need to calm down and think carefully, which is also a kind of exercise for their psychological quality, and keep taking notes. Can let them develop good study habits.

In order to let children better enjoy the fun of reading, we can start from the following aspects to choose suitable for children's age books, Stimulate their interest in reading; for children to create a comfortable reading environment, let them enjoy reading in a relaxed atmosphere; parents should play an example. Accompany children to read together and make progress together.

Not only help them master knowledge better, but also exercise their thinking ability and improve their overall quality. Let's work together. Create a wonderful reading world for children.

Develop children's ability to make reading notes

Teach your child basic writing skills

As children grow up, teaching them basic writing skills is crucial to getting the reader's attention. Use questions, quotes, or anecdotes to interest the reader. You can ask your child to start by describing a scene or telling a story. It is also important for them to describe the details in vivid language so that the reader is in the middle of it. Through the study of these skills, children can better express their thoughts and feelings and improve their writing ability. Encourage children to read more, think more, practice more, and constantly improve their writing, in the writing process, Pay attention to cultivate children's creative thinking and critical thinking, let them express their ideas more depth and breadth, teach children basic writing skills, Such as beginning, transition, etc., will help them improve their writing ability and lay a solid foundation for their future study and life.

Conclusion of transitional introductionMake a good impression Make your child feel satisfied at the end of writing You can teach your child to use sexual statements or ask questions to get the reader thinkingIs an important means to connect paragraphs and ensure the fluency of the passage. Phrases or sentences children can better organize the structure of the text to make it more logical and coherent. Words like " in addition " make the article structured to teach children how to write

Analysis of model essay

In the process of children's growth, the cultivation of writing skills is very important. Through the analysis of model essays, we can expose children to good writing methods. In order to improve their writing ability, model essay analysis is not only a simple reading and imitation, but also a process of in-depth understanding and application of writing skills.

Model essay analysis can help children understand the structure and characteristics of different types of articles. Learning how to Settings suspense, plot and point, and in the analysis of argumentation, we can focus on the arguments, arguments and argumentation process. Learn how to present ideas and use facts and logic.

Model essay analysis can help children master rich vocabulary and rhetorical devices. We can find that the author skillfully uses rhetorical devices such as metaphor, personification and parallelism to make the article more vivid and appealing. By learning these rhetorical devices, children can better express their thoughts and feelings in their own writing.

Model essay analysis can also help children improve writing speed, in the analysis of excellent model essay, we can pay attention to the author's expression and ideas, Learning how to express ideas concisely and clearly will help your child avoid verbosity and verbosity in the actual writing process.

In practice, we can analyze the model passage by following the following steps. Understand the theme and structure; guide your child to find the wonderful sentences and paragraphs in the model text. Analysis of their writing skills; let the children try to imitate the model writing method, practice.

Through model essay analysis, children can learn excellent writing methods and improve their writing skills. We should pay attention to cultivate children's interest in reading, guide them to take the initiative to find and write skills, let them learn in happiness, grow in practice.

Develop writing skills

Writing is a vital skill when children are growing up. It not only helps them express their thoughts and feelings. Can also improve their logical thinking and language skills, in order to guide children to writing practice, and gradually improve their writing level, Parents and educators can adopt the following strategies to create a good writing environment and provide children with adequate writing materials. Such as paper, pen and computer, encourage children to read more and write more, draw inspiration from reading, improve skills from practice, Parents and educators can also guide their children to specific writing exercises, such as diary writing, story writing, argumentative writing, etc. In the process of writing, parents and educators should pay attention to their children's psychological needs and give timely encouragement and support. Help them overcome difficulties, enhance self-confidence, focus on developing children's observation and imagination, Let them write with their own unique perspective and emotional experience, in the evaluation of children's writing, to focus on the process rather than the result, Focusing on their progress and efforts, rather than just their scores, parents and educators can also guide their children to participate in various writing competitions and activities. To broaden their horizons, to stimulate their creative enthusiasm, in the process of developing children's writing skills, Parents and educators should also pay attention to the following points: first, to respect the child's personality and interests, to avoid excessive interference; second, to pay attention to the child's physical and mental health, To prevent overwork; third, to set an example, with their own words and deeds to influence children, set a good example, through constant guidance and encouragement, Children can go further and further on the road of writing, and gradually grow into a good writer.

In developing children's writing skills, we should pay attention not only to their language skills, but also to their thinking ability. Writing is a kind of thinking activity, it requires children to have clear logical thinking and rich imagination, in order to improve the child's thinking ability, Parents and educators can guide their children to think more and encourage them to find and solve problems in their daily life. Through reading, discussion, debate and other ways to stimulate children's thinking spark, develop their critical thinking ability, Parents and educators can also design interesting mind-training games, such as logic puzzles and math games. Exercise children's thinking agility and flexibility, in the writing process, parents and educators should guide children to learn to use a variety of writing skills, Such as contrast, exaggeration, parallelism, so that the article more expressive, pay attention to cultivate children's sense of innovation, Encourage them to try new expressions and ideas in their writing, and pay attention to their thinking process and results when evaluating their writing. Guide them to learn to reflect and constantly improve their thinking ability, through these methods, children can constantly improve their thinking ability in writing, Lay a solid foundation for future study and life.

Developing children's writing skills also requires parents and educators to pay attention to their emotional needs. Writing is a kind of emotional expression. It can help children vent their emotions, release pressure, in order to meet the emotional needs of children, parents and educators can start from the following aspects, Pay attention to the inner world of children, listen to their voices, give them enough love and support, guide children to express their feelings, Encourage them to pour out their emotions in writing, parents and educators can also read some good literature, Let children appreciate the beauty at the same time, feel the power of emotion, in the writing process, parents and educators should pay attention to the child's emotional input, Guide them to integrate their own emotional experience in their works, pay attention to cultivate children's aesthetic taste, let them pursue the expression of beauty in their writing, When evaluating children's writing, we should pay attention to their emotional expression and the connotation of their works, guide them to learn to pay attention to the feelings of others and improve their EQ. Through these methods, children can improve their emotional expression in writing and become more attractive people.

Create a writing environment

Writing is a vital skill when children are growing up, and in order for them to reach their full potential, We should create an environment for them to write in which children can concentrate and reduce the noise. To make their thoughts clearer, in such an environment, children can be more focused on the writing process, Seats that improve the quality of writing and a well-lit room can make children feel good when writing for a long time. Avoiding environments where physical discomfort interferes with writing productivity means staying away from the lure of electronics and keeping children away from distractions, In this pure space, children can enjoy their imagination, create wonderful works, in order to create such an ideal writing environment, We also need to do the following points first, the desk, bookshelves and other orderly, so that children can easily find the books and stationery they need. Third, share your writing experience with your child and discuss the problems in your work. To help them make progress, a writing environment, for children, not only to improve the level of writing, More can cultivate their independent thinking ability and creativity, let us work together for the growth of children escort.

Rational planning of spaceProvision of rich resourcesEncourage interaction

Hold regular family writing activities to stimulate children's creative enthusiasm

On a weekend afternoon, the sun filled the living room, the aroma of coffee filled the room, I gently picked up a brand-new notebook, the children sitting around me, Everyone's eyes are flashing expectations and curiosity, such a scene, Has become an integral part of our family life - regular family writing activities.

We do not need gorgeous words, do not need complex ideas, just let the nib dancing on the paper, record the hearts of the most true feelings, Children with young hands, a stroke to write their own story, those full of imagination and delicate emotions, I can not help but be moved, They alternated between contemplation and laughter, and each moment was full of life.

In these writing activities, I see a growth in the creation of children who are no longer satisfied with simple descriptions, Instead, they began to try to use rhetoric to make words more expressive, and in the process, their minds became more active. Language skills have also been improved, more importantly, they learned to observe life carefully, found that life is beautiful and moving.

In order to stimulate children's creative enthusiasm, we will regularly invite friends and family to participate in our writing activities, in the process, They exchange ideas with different people, broaden their horizons and make them appreciate the time they spend with their families. It is an indescribable joy and satisfaction to sit around and share your work.

We will also organize the children's composition into a book, as a witness to their growth, these works not only record their growth process, More show their unique personality, whenever open these books, I can feel the children left footprints in the text, it is a kind of eternal company.

In this process, I also gained numerous moved, watching the children in the creation to find self-confidence, find happiness, I see a promising future for them, and these family writing activities will be the best memories of their lives, To accompany them through every unforgettable moment.

Encourage children to take part in writing competitions to improve their writing confidence

Writing is an indispensable skill in children's development. It not only exercises their logic of thinking, but also enriches their inner world. In order to let children go further and further on the road of writing, we encourage them to actively participate in various writing competitions, through such activities, Children can exercise their writing ability, improve their self-confidence and develop a good sense of competition.

The writing competition provides a platform for children to show their talents. They can use words to describe the world in their hearts. Such experience will undoubtedly stimulate their interest in writing and make them more active in exploring and innovating in their future study.

Participating in writing competitions can help improve children's writing skills. Children are exposed to all kinds of articles. Learn how to observe and think from different angles, the judges' comments and feedback will also make them understand their strengths and weaknesses. Thus in the future writing continuous improvement.

Writing competitions can also develop children's self-confidence. They need to face opponents from different backgrounds. Let them in the continuous efforts, and gradually build up self-confidence, when they won the moment, the share of joy and pride, Will inspire them to move forward in the future.

Participating in writing competitions also teaches children how to work as a team. They need to complete a task with their teammates. They have to learn to communicate and work together to overcome difficulties, this team spirit, for their future study and life, are of great significance.

Encouraging children to take part in writing competitions is an activity beneficial to their growth. It can not only improve their writing ability. Can also develop their self-confidence, team spirit and sense of competition, let us work together to help children go further and further on the road of writing, Write a wonderful chapter that belongs to them.

Positive encouragement

In the growth of children, the correct guidance of parents is an indispensable part, it is not just a simple " you are great ", Is a deep level of emotional support and affirmation, when the child first learned to ride a bike, fell down but bravely get up, that moment of joy and pride, We need to use sincere praise to water, let them know that every attempt is precious, every fall is a ladder of growth.

Positive encouragement

Just as important, it is not unprincipled praise, but a concrete affirmation based on the child's actual performance, when the child has completed a difficult problem, Instead of simply praising, " You're so smart, " we can praise their persistence and perseverance and make them understand, Behind the success is the continuous efforts and the process of overcoming difficulties.

Appropriate praise

Such encouragement and praise, can, self-confidence is not innate, but gradually built up in the continuous experience of success, a confident child, Braver in the face of challenges, more resilient in the face of difficulties, and their belief in their ability to solve problems is the key to their future success.

Boost a child's self-confidence

Not overnight, it requires parents' patience and wisdom, to understand the child's personality and needs, according to their characteristics to give personalized encouragement, Some children may need more affirmation, others may need more specific guidance, to avoid excessive praise, so as not to rely on the child psychological, We should pay attention to the way of praise, both sincere and moderate, to avoid children have complacency.

Encouragement and praise

In the child's growth process, parents every encouragement and praise is a seed, it will take root in the child's heart, Eventually grow into towering trees, let us use and, for children to build a solid bridge of self-confidence, so that they in the future on the road, No matter what wind and rain, can firmly go on.

Positive encouragementAppropriate praise

Respect your child's personality and choose to avoid excessive interference

In the process of children's growth, their personality and choices are often regarded as the object of guidance and correction by parents. But to fully respect the child's uniqueness and independence, parents should recognize that each child is unique, They have their own interests, ways of thinking and pace of life. Parents should avoid imposing their own will on their children in the process of educating them. It's about respecting their personalities and their choices.

Respecting children's personalities and choices means giving them enough space to explore and experiment as they grow up, Need to know themselves and discover interests through constant practice and trial. Parents' excessive interference often makes children lose the chance of self-exploration. Parents should believe in their children's ability and give them enough space to try and make mistakes. Let them grow in failure.

Avoid over-interference, but also reflected in parents in the child's growth process, to pay attention to their inner needs, children in the growth process, Will encounter all kinds of confusion and frustration, when parents should patiently listen to their voices, give them love and support, Parents should avoid passing on their anxieties and concerns to their children, so as not to put unnecessary pressure on them. Parents can provide advice, but the ultimate decision-making power should be left to the child.

Respecting children's personalities and choices also means paying attention to their mental health, which is a growing concern in today's society. In the process of educating their children, parents should pay attention to their children's emotional changes, find and solve their psychological problems in time. Parents should establish a correct concept of education and avoid taking academic achievement as the only standard to measure the value of their children. Parents should teach them how to face difficulties and develop their psychological resilience.

In the process of respecting children's personality and choices, parents should also pay attention to their own behavior, parents' words and deeds will have a profound impact on children, Parents should always pay attention to their behavior, set an example, set a good example for their children, parents should learn to communicate with their children effectively, Listen to their opinions, respect their choices, and work together to create a harmonious and warm family atmosphere.

It is an important task for parents to respect their children's personality and choices and avoid excessive interference. By giving children enough space, paying attention to their inner needs, paying attention to their mental health, and leading by example, Parents can help their children grow up healthily and happily and lay a solid foundation for their future.

Correct guidance from parents

Parents play an important role in children's writing process. We should pay attention to children's interest in writing and encourage them to express themselves freely. When a child has a writing problem, parents should listen patiently and analyze the problem with the child. The child may feel unable to find the right words. Or if the story isn't compelling enough, parents can guide their children to review their writing, identify problems, and suggest improvements. Can remind children to pay attention to the diversity of sentence structure, or guide them to find inspiration from life, enrich the story, Parents should work with their children to find solutions to the problem of insufficient vocabulary, can advise children to read more, accumulate more, You can even make a reading plan together, and parents can discuss unattractive issues with their children. Parents can also encourage their children to take part in writing activities, such as writing competitions and writing clubs. In order to improve their writing ability, parents should also pay attention to guide their children in the process of writing, to avoid too harsh criticism, In order not to hit the child's self-confidence, should be positive, encouraging attitude, guide the child to progress, parents should pay attention to the child's mental health, Respect their personality and interests, in the writing process, children may encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, parents should give enough love and support, Let them feel the warmth of the family, the correct guidance of parents for the growth of children's writing is essential, through the common analysis of problems, to find solutions, Parents and children can work together through every stage of writing to create good memories.

What does the analysis child's writing foundation mainly look at
Analysis of the basis of children's writing, mainly look at the following aspects to observe their ability to use words, Including vocabulary, grammatical structure, etc. ; understand their unique style in the writing process; pay attention to their interests, This helps to motivate them to write; to understand the difficulties they face, such as a lack of understanding of writing skills or a lack of vocabulary.
How to stimulate your child's passion for writing
To stimulate children's enthusiasm for writing, you can start from the following aspects of interest in children, such as their interest in science, adventure and other topics, Guide them to create works on related topics; create a relaxed and enjoyable writing environment, Let them express themselves in a comfortable atmosphere; encourage children to read more, think more, practice more, Draw inspiration from it; give your child positive encouragement and support to find confidence and fun in writing.
How to help children overcome writing difficulties
To help children overcome writing difficulties, you can guide children to learn writing skills from the following aspects, For example, how to organize the structure of articles, how to use rhetorical devices, etc. Learn from the author's writing methods; provide children with rich writing resources, such as books, magazines, pictures, etc. Stimulate their creative inspiration; give children positive encouragement and support to help them build confidence and face difficulties bravely.
How to develop children's reading habits
To develop children's reading habits, you can choose suitable reading materials from the following aspects. Stimulate their interest in reading; create a comfortable reading environment for children, Let them enjoy reading in a relaxed atmosphere; encourage children to read more, think more and practice more. Learn from knowledge, happiness and growth; parents and teachers should play an example, accompany children to read together and make progress together.