





接下来,诗人描述了橡树的品质:“你有你的铜枝铁干,像刀、像剑,也像戟。”这里的橡树,不仅是一种植物,更是力量的象征。它 withstands(承受)风雨,不屈不挠,正如诗中所言:“你脚下有一片土地,那便是我。”



In the literary river, there are many poems that shine like brilliant stars, illuminating our souls. "To the Oak Tree" is one of them. This poem was written by the famous poet Shu Ting, and it uses the oak tree as a symbol to express steadfastness and persistence in love.

The first line of the poem, "If I love you, I would never be like the clinging Chinese trumpet creeper," sets the tone for the entire poem. The poet compares the dependent and selfless love to the Chinese trumpet creeper, while the love she pursues is as independent and strong as the oak tree.

The poet then describes the qualities of the oak tree: "You have your copper branches and iron trunk, like a knife, like a sword, and also like a halberd." Here, the oak tree is not just a plant but a symbol of strength. It withstands wind and rain, unyielding, just as the poem says: "Under your feet is the land, and that is me."

At the end of the poem, the poet writes, "I love you, I love you, I love you, until the end of time." The repetition here is both a perseverance in love and a praise for the oak tree. The poet merges her emotions with the oak tree, expressing her longing for sincere love.



